First of all, I apologize for no post for the past two weeks. Here goes my excuse.
Besides endless fun parties in December in Japan, I have been riding an emotional rollercoaster. Mainly because of an incomprehensible difference between my host family (former) and me. Problems started to arise between us after living together for a month. Of course, there were troubles that were easily avoidable if we tried harder. But for the most part, the difference was just too big and it became uncontrollable at the end. Instead of understanding the difference, we argued about the difference. As a result, I moved out, and now I am living in a dorm.
I should have known that it is not easy to live in someone else's place, especially in Japan becuase there are so many don't do's. In addition, Japanese people tend to show their emotions and give opinions indirectly, so it was hard to tell what they were trying to tell me. As many students experience when doing a homestay, I went through a same problem.
Now, I suggest people who are planning to study abroad to do a homestay for less than a month. I have heard stories about having a wonderful host family, but horrible and stressful stories tend to be more frequent. It was a great experience, but I learned it hard way.
Hey Danny,
Sorry to hear about your host family problem. Well, I was staying w host family when i first came here too. To tell u the truth, it wasn't easy. They're not your real parents so I feel like im the guest there. But hope u have fun in the dorm. Happy holidays and Happy New Year.
Hey Danny,
It must be rough going through these problems during Christmas and New Year's time. I also did 3 homestays in Japan, and I had my differences with one. I understand when you say that Japanese families' sometimes convey their feelings indirectly; it can be incredibly fustrating; especially during these serious situations. But you grow from it, and just take it as a learning experience. I hope everything gets better. Happy New Years!
Glad to see you're doing better. Sorry to hear about the trouble from your host family.
FISH has been exciting here, but now we're starting all over again (in terms of community service and the semester starting next week).
Hope things are better now that you're in the dorms and you continue to have fun in Tokyo.
I think living with a host family is a very hard thing to do. It was true that they wanted to treat me like their kids, but I was acting more like a guest, so problems and problems...
But thanks
P.S. I might go to Vietnam in Feb.
It was tough and that is why I flew to Korea to stay with my family. It definitely taught me some good lessons. I am surprised that you had THREE!!! wow!
but I think if it is for a short term, then it could be a lot better.
Things are much better living in a dorm. so much more fun and this place has a better study environment. I didn't even have my desk and chair at the host family's house. I sat on the floor and studied on a table.
Thank you
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